Here you will find information on some of our local businesses. If you would like your business included in this list, email Webmaster or contact the Holdingford City Office at 320-746-2966.
Click on the name below to find out more information such as phone number, web page, etc.
Phone: 320-248-9586
Phone: 320-746-2938
Phone: 320-492-0061
Phone: 320-228-0200
Phone: 320-746-0005
Phone: 320-363-0533
Phone: 320-333-5318
Phone: 320-746-2926
Phone: 320-746-2973
Phone: 320-746-3300
Helping Hands Outreach Web Page
Active Adult Activities Abound!
When asked what they consider to be major factors in maintaining a good quality of life as they grow older, people rank living independently and remaining active right at the top of the list. Research has shown that social interaction offers older adults many benefits. Staying socially active and maintaining interpersonal relationships can help maintain good physical and emotional health and cognitive function. Relationships and social interactions even help protect against illness by boosting your immune system We love helping make Holdingford and St. Stephen socially active, and in turn, enjoyable communities for living. And we invite everyone to join us at our events.
- Holdingford Lunch: every Tuesday, noon, enjoy a hot lunch at the Holdingford City Center. Our cook Kathy Gerads is a great cook— dessert is always something special. Join us for just a $4 suggested donation. Immediately following are rousing games of 500 Rummy.
- Lunch & Learn Program: This program includes entertainment, education and a hot meal. All are welcome. Holdingford: first Wednesday of month from 2 - 4:00 PM at the Holdingford Legion Club. St. Stephen: third Tuesday of month from 1:00 - 3:00 PM at the St. Stephen Church.
- Exercise Programs: Exercise and line dancing: every Wednesday from 9:15—10:45 a.m. at the Holdingford City Center. Loretta Fischer leads the exercise and Irene Schmidt leads the dancing.
- Outings: throughout the year we offer opportunities to travel together and enjoy a concert or other event. These events are available at a low cost and sometimes free when grants are received. Our bicycle surreys are available free to older adults throughout the season and for rent at very low cost to everyone.
For more information and upcoming events, check out our webpage listed above. Subscribe to our newsletter.
Click Here to view our latest newsletter.
Phone: 320-746-9960
Phone: 320-746-2880
Phone: 320-746-2449
Phone: 320-746-2585
Phone: 320-746-2281
Holdingford Municipal Liquor Facebook Page
Phone: 320-746-2264
Holdingford Public Schools Web Page
Phone: 320-746-2196
Phone: 320-746-2658
Jim's Snowmobile & Marine Web Page
Phone: 320-746-2165
Phone: 320-746-2962
St. Cloud Dumpster Rentals | Opatz Metals & Rolloffs
Phone: 320-746-2819
Rocks to Roses Landscaping Web Page
Phone: 320-309-8762
Phone: 320-746-2582
Phone: 320-746-2261
Phone: 320-746-3018
Two Rivers Enterprises Web Page
Phone: 320-746-3165
Phone: 320-250-2855
Phone: 320-248-9586
Phone: 320-746-2938
Phone: 320-492-0061
Phone: 320-228-0200
Phone: 320-746-0005
Phone: 320-363-0533
Phone: 320-333-5318
Phone: 320-746-2926
Phone: 320-746-2973
Phone: 320-746-3300
Helping Hands Outreach Web Page
Active Adult Activities Abound!
When asked what they consider to be major factors in maintaining a good quality of life as they grow older, people rank living independently and remaining active right at the top of the list. Research has shown that social interaction offers older adults many benefits. Staying socially active and maintaining interpersonal relationships can help maintain good physical and emotional health and cognitive function. Relationships and social interactions even help protect against illness by boosting your immune system We love helping make Holdingford and St. Stephen socially active, and in turn, enjoyable communities for living. And we invite everyone to join us at our events.
- Holdingford Lunch: every Tuesday, noon, enjoy a hot lunch at the Holdingford City Center. Our cook Kathy Gerads is a great cook— dessert is always something special. Join us for just a $4 suggested donation. Immediately following are rousing games of 500 Rummy.
- Lunch & Learn Program: This program includes entertainment, education and a hot meal. All are welcome. Holdingford: first Wednesday of month from 2 - 4:00 PM at the Holdingford Legion Club. St. Stephen: third Tuesday of month from 1:00 - 3:00 PM at the St. Stephen Church.
- Exercise Programs: Exercise and line dancing: every Wednesday from 9:15—10:45 a.m. at the Holdingford City Center. Loretta Fischer leads the exercise and Irene Schmidt leads the dancing.
- Outings: throughout the year we offer opportunities to travel together and enjoy a concert or other event. These events are available at a low cost and sometimes free when grants are received. Our bicycle surreys are available free to older adults throughout the season and for rent at very low cost to everyone.
For more information and upcoming events, check out our webpage listed above. Subscribe to our newsletter.
Click Here to view our latest newsletter.
Phone: 320-746-9960
Phone: 320-746-2880
Phone: 320-746-2449
Phone: 320-746-2585
Phone: 320-746-2281
Holdingford Municipal Liquor Facebook Page
Phone: 320-746-2264
Holdingford Public Schools Web Page
Phone: 320-746-2196
Phone: 320-746-2658
Jim's Snowmobile & Marine Web Page
Phone: 320-746-2165
Phone: 320-746-2962
St. Cloud Dumpster Rentals | Opatz Metals & Rolloffs
Phone: 320-746-2819
Rocks to Roses Landscaping Web Page
Phone: 320-309-8762
Phone: 320-746-2582
Phone: 320-746-2261
Phone: 320-746-3018
Two Rivers Enterprises Web Page
Phone: 320-746-3165
Phone: 320-250-2855